Troop 9344
Who are we?
Troop 9344 is a female scout troop that launched September 2019.
We are actively recruiting young women to join us or at least come for a visit and see what we are all about.
In February 2019, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) changed the name of its program for older youth to Scouts BSA and began accepting girls. We embraced this change and formed an independent Troop for girls. Our girl troop and boy troop (website) share a common organizational sponsor (Salem United Methodist Church), but are programmatically distinct.
We meet Monday nights
from 7:00 to 8:30 PM
at Salem United Methodist Church, 350 Manor Road, Wexford PA.
Our Troop Committee also meets once a month from 7:10 to 8:20 PM during a regularly scheduled Troop meeting (dates vary). All Scouters and interested parents are encouraged to sit in.
We invite you to learn more. If you have any questions, no matter how simple or challenging, just ask.
Sarah Slegal , Scoutmaster